Book Review: Red Rising (Red Rising Saga #1) by Pierce Brown

Book Review: Red Rising (Red Rising Saga #1) by Pierce Brown

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

So, I finally decided to jump into the world of the Red Rising saga after seeing countless booktubers and bloggers raving about it. As an avid fantasy reader, my only experience with sci-fi was the Murderbot series. I figured it was time to give Red Rising a shot, and wow, am I glad I did!

Synopsis: Red Rising is set in a dystopian future where society is divided by colors, with each color representing a specific social class. The story follows Darrow, a lowly Red, who discovers the harsh truth about the society he lives in—a world built on slavery, control, and deception. Determined to bring down the oppressive regime, Darrow infiltrates the elite Golds to destroy the system from within.

My Thoughts: This book is unlike any other epic sci-fi I’ve read so far. Pierce Brown’s world-building and character work are top-notch. The book takes its time to let readers warm up to the world and understand the complex society we’re stepping into. At first glance, the world of Red Rising might seem straightforward, with a society separated by colors and each having their own place and rights. But as you dive deeper, you realize it’s a very complex world built on intricate layers of control and deceit.

Red Rising Illustration

One of the standout aspects for me was the characters. While the main protagonist, Darrow, wasn’t the most compelling to me, he was still interesting. What really grabbed my attention were the characters surrounding Darrow. Each one has their own struggles, motives, and secrets, which we learn about along with Darrow. It adds so much depth and makes the story incredibly engaging.

I also have to mention the incredible plot twists and the tension that Brown masterfully builds throughout the book. Just when you think you have a handle on where the story is going, something unexpected happens and flips the narrative on its head. It’s these unpredictable moments that kept me turning the pages late into the night.

Red Rising – Darrow Illustration

The pacing of the book is fast, even in the beginning portions where a lot of time is spent on character and world introduction. I never felt like it was dragging, which is a huge plus for me.

I’m excited to dive deeper into this world, and I’ve already started the next book in the series, Golden Son. Look out for that review soon!

Overall, if you’re a fan of sci-fi or even just looking for something new and gripping, give Red Rising a try. It’s a thrilling ride with rich world-building, complex characters, and plot twists that will keep you hooked from start to finish.

My Rating: 4.75/5