Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) Movie Review

Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) Movie Review

Goat movie review

I was super excited when I heard that Vijay was teaming up with Venkat Prabhu for what’s reportedly his second last movie. Venkat Prabhu, known for his knack for thrillers like “Maanadu,” always manages to keep me on the edge of my seat. With Vijay in the lead, my expectations were high for another tight, engaging thriller. Here’s my take on what worked and what didn’t in “GOAT,” so you can decide if it’s worth catching in theaters.

Synopsis: Gandhi is a hostage negotiator, field agent, and spy working for the Special Anti-Terrorist Squad (SATS). After years of service, he is called back for a critical mission that sets him on a dangerous collision course with his own past.

Goat movie review

What I Liked: Vijay nailed his dual role, especially in the emotional scenes where his performance really stood out. He brought depth to both the young and older versions of his character, making it easy to connect with him on his journey. Sneha also shined in her limited screen time, bringing authenticity to her role that left a mark. The screenplay is engaging, and the movie keeps you hooked with twists and family moments up until the last 15 minutes.

What Didn’t Work for Me: The last 20 minutes felt dragged out, losing the tight, racy pace that the movie maintained up until that point. The final showdown between the hero and the villain, which included a cricket match commentary, was intended to build excitement but ended up being distracting and pulled me out of the moment.

The de-aging effect on the teenage version of Vijay didn’t quite work—it looked off and sometimes even laughable. The CGI, especially in the climax, fell flat and reminded me more of a low-budget cartoon than a high-stakes action scene. The placement of some songs felt unnecessary and could have been cut, trimming down the runtime by a good 10 to 15 minutes. The background score was decent, but it lacked the punch to elevate those key ‘mass’ moments.

Goat movie review

Overall Thoughts: “GOAT” didn’t quite meet my expectations, but it’s still a decent watch, especially if you’re a fan of Vijay or enjoy family dramas with some unexpected twists and larger-than-life action. It has its highs with strong performances and engaging moments, but the uneven pacing and some technical hiccups hold it back from being a standout.

My Rating: 3/5



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